Herban Garden Logo


Thank you for stopping by, please visit in SUMMER 2024 for the Grand Opening

“I’m thrilled you are here. Please stay awhile and look around. You’ll find inspiration and more.”

Grow Your Own

We don’t just sell these products, we use them every day in our garden. This is how you know they will work for you. Visit our YouTube channel where we teach how to have a successful indoor garden, year after year.

Garden + Community

Gardening has a special ability to bring people together. Often we find we have too much kale or too many peppers and we love giving the excess away. For me, gardening builds the best communities, let’s get growing!

Homegrown Flavor

Have you ever tasted fresh, homegrown produce? The flavors, crispness and smells of our homegrown food simply does not compare to that of store-bought produce.

Our Favorites